


C919 Obtain the PC, and the large aircraft is ready for the important milestone of industrialization!

更新時間:2022年12月01日 16:01


On 29 November 2022, CAAC issued PC for C919 to COMAC

C919 is a medium and short range single channel civil jet aircraft developed by China. According to airworthiness management requirements, C919 can only operate as a qualified aircraft with passengers after obtaining TC, PC and AC issued by CAAC. These three certificates have been gradually improved in the scope of control, and their importance and difficulty in obtaining have been gradually reduced.

In September, CAAC issued TC for C919, which is equivalent to the "birth permit" of aircraft, and its role is to recognize that the design of aircraft meets airworthiness standards. The issue of PC means that the authority allows the aircraft manufacturer to conduct mass production according to the approved quality control system.

Obtaining the PC is an important milestone from the design and development stage to the mass production stage, marking a solid step towards the industrialization of C919.

Many subsidiaries of Avichina are important suppliers of C919. Products supplied include airframe structure, slats, landing gear doors, lighting systems, connectors and other avionics equipment.

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