


The activity of "Stepping into Avichina, Stepping into strategic hard science and technology" was successfully held in Zhongshan

更新時(shí)間:2022年11月09日 15:58


On November 7, the activity of "Stepping into Avichina, Stepping into strategic hard science and technology " was successfully held in Zhongshan, Guangdong. The activity was jointly organized by CICC, Avichina and Guoxin Investment. The management of Avichina and its subsidiaries, namely JONHON Optronic, AVIC Avionics , AVICOPTER and Hongdu Aviation, AVIC Forstar, as well as more than 100 investors from dozens of conpanies participated in the activity.

Avichina said that, from the perspective of the scientific and technological revolution, aviation technology is one of the fastest growing scientific and technological fields that have the greatest impact on human production and life since the 20th century. The aviation industry is closely connected with "high-quality", "high-tech" and "high-end manufacturing". Avichina is the aviation high-tech industry group with the most complete industrial chain of AVIC, and has an industrial chain layout integrating aviation equipment design, research and development, manufacturing and supporting services. Adhering to the principle of independent innovation, Avichina has achieved a series of key core technologies and original scientific and technological achievements with independent intellectual property rights, which has promoted the sustainable development of China's aviation industry.

CICC said that scientific and technological innovation has become the strategic support for China's improvement of social productivity and comprehensive national strength. The report of the 20th National Congress clearly pointed out that "strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, resolutely win the battle against key core technologies, promote economic and social development through self-reliance with high-level science and technology, and improve the quality and efficiency of the real economy through innovation". "Hard science and technology" involves aerospace, high-end equipment, biotechnology, new materials and other fields, represents the key common technologies in key industrial chains that can drive national economic and social change, and is an important source of power to achieve economic restructuring and upgrading. The aviation industry is a typical representative of the "hard science and technology" industry. The development of scientific and technological innovation in the aviation field is an important support for building a national security system and achieving the centennial goal of building the military.

Guoxin Investment shared the service strategy of hard science and technology. Guoxin Investment gives full play to the role of a professional platform for the operation of state-owned capital. Based on the functional positioning of "serving the national strategy, supporting scientific and technological innovation and state-owned enterprise reform", it focuses on forward-looking strategic emerging industries, especially the hard science and technology in the "choke" link of key core technology fields, makes investment layout, helps central enterprises complement the supply chain weaknesses of the industrial chain, and creates a "source" of original technologies.

The activity brought together representatives from many fields such as leading enterprises in the "hard science and technology" industry, state-owned capital operating companies, market-oriented investment institutions and securities research service institutions, effectively deepening understanding between different fields. The success of the activity played an important role in promoting the exchange of aviation and military industry and promoting the capital market to support the development of aviation industry chain and strategic hard science and technology innovation.

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