


AviChina holds NDR for the first half of 2018

更新時間:2018年09月03日 15:48

AviChina Industry & Technology Company Limited (AviChina) announced the unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2018 on August 24th, 2018. AviChina has recorded growth in both revenue profit for the first time since 2016. For the six months ended 30 June 2018, AviChina recorded a revenue of RMB14,450 million, representing an increase of 3.58% compared with that of RMB13,950 million in the corresponding period of 2017, the profit attributable to equity holders was RMB 598 million, an increase of 8.33% compared with that in the corresponding period of 2017.


The senior management went to Shenzhen, Shanghai Hong Kong to hold NDR after announcing the results. Facing negative impact of Sino-US trade friction financial market fluctuations in the first half of 2018, AviChina has achieved innumerable achievements in performance product services. Under the vision of AVIC, the parent company, namely“ Basically build a new era strong country in aviation industry by year 2035 build a new era strong country in aviation industry in all respects by the middle of 21st century”, AviChina optimized the strategy to promote deeper development from three aspects: business development, overseas M&A equity operation. The completion of full-circulation makes AviChina its shareholders closer attracts more attention from international investors, promoting value enhancement.


The management also explained to investors the bright prospects of AviChina. Under the new era of aviation industry, AviChina will comprehensively strengthen business development to become the most valuable listed company in aviation industry.

The development plan of AviChina has been approved by investors, receiving wide support enthusiastic response. More domestic foreign institutions, especially domestic brokers, attach high importance to AviChina.

上一篇:Mr. Tan Ruisong visits Mr. Liang Zhenying in Hong Kong

下一篇:AviChina records growth against challenges

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