


Mr. Liang Zhenying highly praises AVIC through social media

更新時間:2018年09月12日 09:35

Recently, Mr. Liang Zhenying, the Deputy Chairman of CPPCC former Chief Executive of HKSAR, published an article on Facebook to introduce the relationship between AVIC Hong Kong its outstanding achievements, pointing out that young people who are dedicated in aviation industry should take advantage of national development.

The following is the full text of the article:

Is there any relationship between AVIC Hong Kong? Absolutely yes! Therefore, the Chairman of AVIC leads a team to hold a forum in Hong Kong. Nearly 200 aircrafts independently developed by AVIC had participated in the military parade for commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan in 2015. Up to now, AVIC has 46 subsidiaries in Hong Kong, developing businesses through Hong Kong international platform. HKUST has already opened bachelor's degree in aviation engineering. During this visit, the Chairman will also visit HKUST to conduct more cooperation. More than 40 years ago, many of my classmates in UK studied aviation engineering. But as Hong Kong people, their career development opportunities in the past were certainly not as good as today’s young people. I hope that young people in Hong Kong can take advantage of national development to show their talents.

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