

Senior Management

Mr. Zhao Zhuo

Board Secretary

Mr. Zhao Zhuo, a master’s degree holder and a researcher. Mr. Zhao successively graduated from Beijing Institute of Chemical Technology with a bachelor’s degree of engineering majoring in industrial management engineering and from the school of management of Beihang University with a master’s degree of engineering majoring in management. Mr. Zhao has obtained an EMBA degree from University of Texas at Arlington. Mr. Zhao has commenced his career in aviation industry since 1995. He successively served for AVIC Economics & Technology Research Establishment, the planning and development department of Aviation Industry Corporation of China* (中國航空工業(yè)總公司), and the general affairs division of China Aviation Industry Corporation II* (中國航空工業(yè)第二集團公司). Since 2005, Mr. Zhao has served as the deputy director of the comprehensive management department, the deputy director, director of the internal audit department, the director of the capital market department, and the director of the comprehensive management department of the Company. Mr. Zhao had been a supervisor of AVIC JONHON Optronic Technology Co., Ltd.* (中航光電科技股份有限公司) from October 2017 to August 2018 and a director of AVIC BIAM New Materials Technology and Engineering Co., Ltd.* (中航百慕新材料技術(shù)工程股份有限公司) from May 2017 to May 2018. Mr. Zhao has been the deputy general manager of AVICOPTER PLC* (中航直升機股份有限公司) from April 2022 to July 2024, and the board secretary of AVICOPTER PLC from August 2022 to July 2024. Mr. Zhao has been a supervisor of the Company from December 2020 to July 2024. Mr. Zhao has been serving as the Board Secretary of the Company since July 2024.

上一篇:Mr. Sun Jizhong

下一篇:Mr. Wang Jingmin

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